Who Is the Owner of Skyhigh Originals?

The owner of Skyhigh Originals has evolved over time. Yes it is true this particular question has been floating around for quite sometime now, but there is no myth as to who owns Skyhigh Originals, it all started with the dedication of a single individual which has now become a collective effort. It is no longer a one man business, but several individuals now ensure the management and continuous progress of the business.

Is Skyhigh Cartridge Trash?

There are 2 categories of individuals that will come up with such deep negative questions like this, it’s either you’ve never tried our products before or you bought a fake cart. All our products are sealed and have verifiable lab test results. We do not engage in the distribution of harmful vape products. We have never been involved in the production of pesticide infected products.

How To Spot Fake Skyhigh Cart?

It is obviously aeasy to do so, our official Skyhigh seal must be on the cart and the seal must not be broken. Just like how we say it, NO SEAL NO DEA

Where Can I Buy Skyhigh Originals Products?

You can buy any of our products from our website. All you have to do is visit the shop page and make your purchase.

When I s Skyhigh Originals Coming To My City?

To figure out when we will visit your city, click here to find out. Also see the About Us page to get an update on our delivery points.

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